Value Added Services |
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Value Added Services

We will add a great value to your business !

NASAM has solutions that guarantee improved efficiency
and increased ROI!

Service Level Agreement

Key components of a service-level agreement include:

  • Agreement overview.
  • Description of services.
  • Service performance.
  • Security.
  • Risk management and disaster recovery.
  • Service tracking and reporting.
  • Periodic review and change processes.

Technology Project Management

Technical project management is the process of managing IT or IT-related projects. Technical project managers are critical to the conception, development, and execution of these projects. In addition to understanding the technical content of the project:

Strategy Realization Model PMO Maturity Assessment
PPM Enhancement/Implementation

Design And Planning

Without the proper design and planning, you cannot expect to have a successful construction project. That’s precisely why we’ve decided to cover this topic today, to remind people of how beneficial these elements are. design phase is very important and it usually comprises of these things:

  • Transformation of every single requirement into a thorough specification that covers every aspect of the project
  • Planning and evaluating for potential security risks
  • Getting approval to move on to the development phase

IT Consulting Services

Our strategic IT consulting will help you automate and digitalise operations, optimise the software portfolio, and implement the latest technologies.We offer IT consulting services that will help you improve your software architecture, create a tech-driven digital strategy, and improve operations by optimising your software portfolio. Our software engineers will finish your digital transformation journey through careful planning and effective execution of the outlined IT strategy.

Have Any Project in Mind ?

If you are interested in our products and services, or want to know more detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact with us.